Monday, August 22, 2011

Relic Master, (a series) by Catherine Fisher

                            Illustration by Sara n b

Books in the series:
The Dark City
The Lost Heiress
The Hidden Coronet
The Margrave

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I've watched it at least seven times but unlike some movies, it doesn't get less interesting, just better. It's a great story, and it's funny too, It goes back and forth between dramatic and hilarious and makes something even better. The animation, too, is absolutely amazing. I think it's the best Disney movie; this time they got it perfect.

The story is based on a chinese legend--the ballad of Mulan. Click here to find out about the ballad of Mulan. Click here to read the ballad.

P.S. about Mulan II. It's definitely not as good as the first one. It's entertaining, but it's also sad--it's what happened after, but there shouldn't be any after...even if it's nice. It's an anticlimax, and there is tension that makes the movie hard to watch. It's better to believe Mulan was the only movie...that they all stayed suspended in time forever, happily ever after. And no one can say it's wrong, anyway--with imagination, time doesn't have to count, and things can be perfect in the end.